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Главная Шаблоны Joomla RocketTheme RT Zephyr v1.5.2 - Мультимедиа шаблон для Joomla 1.5
Автор: Qoodo
17 Октября 2010
Шаблон Zephyr для Joomla от RocketTheme
Zephyr, the August 2010 Template Club release, features an impressive assortment of stylistic tools, ranging from its completely Transparent Base, to an extensive array of Color Chooser controls. The template is the first to offer MegaMenu functionality for the Fusion Menu, with Grouped Child Items and Inline Modules as its most noticeable features.
Built with the Gantry Framework, powerful features such as the 960 Grid System, iPhone Support, Smart Loading and many others are standard features by default with the Zephyr template, making it truly versatile and flexible.
* Gantry Framework
* Transparent Design
* Color Chooser with 12 Preset Styles
* Fusion with MegaMenu, and Splitmenu
* Custom Typography & JS Form Styling
* 68 Module Positions
* 24 Module Variations - 72 Combo Possibilities
* RocketTheme Extensions Styling
* 3rd Party Extensions Compatibility Styling
* FF 3.6, Safari 4, Opera 10.x, IE7-IE8 Compatible
* Limited IE6 Browser Compatibility
* Template RTL Support
* W3C XHTML 1.0 / CSS 3 Valid
Version: 1.5.2
* Various fixes and tweaks for IE7
* Tweaks for pagination display and compatibility
* Fixes for IE7 in RTL mode
* Fixed dropdown menu focus issues
* iPhone display updates and tweaks
* Jomsocial fixes and tweaks
* Fixes for list display with core joomla modules using module variations
* Fixes for RokPad frontend editing display
* Fix for max height error notification in Firefox
* Updated RokIntroScroller with Mootools 1.2 support
* Added functionality to enable/disable the mainbody output
Changed Files (template) - Located in the /templates/rt_zephyr_j15 directory upon installation:
* /css/extended.css
* /css/fusionmenu.css
* /css/fusionmenu-rtl.css
* /css/iphone-gantry.css
* /css/joomla.css
* /css/overlays.css
* /css/demo-styles.css
* /css/template-ie7.css
* /css/template-webkit.css
* /css/template-gecko.css
* /css/template-opera.css
* /features/styledeclaration.php
* /html/layouts/body_mainbody.php
* /html/mod_roknavmenu/themes/gantry-fusion/layout.php
* /html/mod_rokintroscroller/default.php
* /js/rt-rokstories-thumb-scroller.js
* /admin/en-GB.tpl_rt_zephyr_j15.ini
* /index.php
* /params.ini
* /templateDetails.xml
Added Files (template) - Located in the /templates/rt_zephyr_j15 directory upon installation:
* /html/mod_latestnews
* /html/mod_mostread
В архиве: Шаблон (Template) | Расширения (Extensions) | Быстрый старт (QuickStart) | Изображения (Source images) | Руководство (Manual)
Размер: 15.2 Mb