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Главная Шаблоны WordPress ThemeForest ThemeForest Intersect - Шаблон для WordPress

ThemeForest Intersect - Шаблон для WordPress

Шаблоны WordPress - ThemeForest

(7 Голосов)

Автор: Qoodo

08 Июня 2010


Шаблон для WordPress от ThemeForest

Intersect is a bold, striking WordPress theme with various layouts, colors and easy to setup. This theme is ready to get a site up an running out of the box. It is easy to customize and is configured for fast skinning.

Особенности шаблона:

* Valid XHTML Strict and CSS
* jQuery Slideshow
* Superfish Dropdown Menu
* 3 PSD files: Theme, Backgrounds and Slideshow
* 8 pre-made skins with custom backgrounds
* Contact form with dynamic javascript validation
* Portfolio with themed preview windows
* Themed administrative login form
* Compatibility (IE 6, IE 7 , IE 8 , Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)
* and more…

Демо: http://themeforest.net/item/intersect-wordpress-theme/86535
В архиве: Шаблон (Template) | Изображения (Source images)
Совместимость: WordPress 2.9+
Тип: Коммерческий
Размер: 1.34 Mb

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