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Thesisthemes ThesisPlay - Шаблон для WordPress

Шаблоны WordPress - Другие шаблоны

(7 Голосов)

Автор: Qoodo

04 Марта 2010


Шаблон для WordPress от Thesisthemes


* Custom options panel to control different aspects of theme
* Ability to size and replace the logo within the options panel
* 8 different themes to choose in the options panel (plus a custom theme file to create and save your own custom theme without messing with other themes).
* A customizable featured area above content to advertise alerts, notes, pitches.etc
* Well documented, clean CSS code for easy modifications to themes, great for beginners!
* The ability to update the footer text through the control panel
* Dedicated forum support
* Lifetime Updates

Демо: http://thesisplay.thesisthemes.com/
В архиве: Шаблон (Template)
Тип: WordPress 2.8+
Размер: 1.5 Mb

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